83 Years and still "Raising the Barr".
Friday, April 22, 2011 at 12:43PM

H. Robert (Bob) Barr, founder of Center Investments, Inc. (and namesake to this journal) turned 83 today and as we celebrated that achievement he still managed to teach me a lesson, one of many over the years. Bob demonstrates, as I imagine he always has, how comforting it is to proceed into the twilight of your life with the knowledge you have always treated people honestly, ethically and with respect. Working in the commercial real estate business for 10 plus years has illustrated exactly how rare, challenging & significant those traits are. I have come to realize that my pride in treating people honestly & ethically has at times impeded my doing so with the appropriate level of respect for their perspective. Honesty can be quite "blunt" and arrogant if not tempered with consideration, a lesson I am learning.

Gathering together for dinner I was reminded of something Bob said to me a long time ago; "do one thing & do it better than everyone else". He said it with such earnestness that even though it is a common turn of phase, it was the last time I ever needed to hear it because it finally stuck and that has guided my path for the last 15 years. Tonight's lesson from Bob was a follow up to that adage but it was not something he said it is something very evident of his exemplary contentment in life; In being the best at what you do the recognition of others is not required. Thank you for everything Bob & Happy Birthday.

- Chaun

Article originally appeared on Wenatchee - commercial - real estate - sale - lease - brokerage - management - development - consultation (http://ncw-commercial.com/).
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